Rev. Susan Hermanson started her ministry in the Diocese of Saskatoon where she was in rural ministry and then Dean of St. John Cathedral. From there she was Parish Priest in Williams Lake and more recently, in the Nanaimo area. Susan worked as a drug and alcohol counselor for a year then went back into parish ministry at St. John, Ladysmith and St. Philip in Cedar. As a retired clery, Susan now enjoys interim appointments and Sunday supply in the area. We are blessed to have her currently working with us here at Trinity as a quarter time minister. Susan is with us 2 weeks each month. You can refer to the church calendar for when she is with us.
Susan has lived in the area since 2011 and has been semi-retired for 3 years.
She love crafts and currently is working on a quilt and knitting a sweater. Susan also swims for exercise and loves camping and the outdoors in the summer.
If you are in need of pastoral care, please feel free to call Rev. Susan at 250-755-9596