Coming together to worship is at the core of who we are.
Sunday Mornings: 10 AM
Currently we are served by and Interim Priest and three Lay Ministers. Lay-led services are an opportunity for renewal: to encourage lay people to live into the vows they made in their baptismal covenant, which reminds us that each and every one of us, lay or ordained, is called to participate in worship by virtue of our baptism. Lay Ministers are licensed by Bishop Anna and provided with the training, skills and resources to prepare for and lead worship services, Morning and Evening Prayer and the Liturgy of the Word (a church service without the Eucharist).
We are a shared ministry of Anglicans and Lutherans who worship using liturgies from both these traditions. The liturgies cross the continuum of traditional to contemporary. Regardless of the form used, the worship service is warm, welcoming to all, respectful of silence and exuberance, creating space to experience the mystery that is God in Christ. And we love to sing!
All are welcome to participate as we gather to learn about God's love in Christ, grow in faith, be strengthened by community worship and take God's love out with us wherever we go. It is when the worship is over, that our service truly begins.
* Masks are no longer required but if you happen to have a virus, please wear one to protect your neighbour. They are still provided at the entries.
* All children remain with their families during the service until the children's message. Children meet downstairs during the sermon and come back in time for communion. If Sunday School is not available, the Children's Bulletin and colouring pages are always available from the Ushers. Materials are prepared weekly for children as they remain with us in worship
This is a weekly opportunity to gather around the Eucharist and to reflect on the gospel text of the day together.
Tuesday evenings 6:45 PM: Prayer time
Every week a dedicated group of people come together to worship using Marty Haugen's 'Holden Evening Prayer' and to pray for the community. All are welcome to participate.