Serving at Trinity

We are all given gifts and talents to share.  There are so many people who give every day to make this congreagation a vibrant one.

Hospitality Group: A group of women who regularly serve coffee, tea and goodies after the service on Sunday morning. Help is always welcome in the form of baked goods, cheese and crackers and help in the kitchen.

Building & Maintenance:  A knowledgeable group of individuals who overesee the work that needs to be done in caring for the Trinity facility. 

Home Communion: For those who are unable to attend church regularly through illness or infirmity, we provide Communion in home or hospital. At this time we are only able to provide this 4-6 times per year. Please let the office know if you are in need of home communion.

Altar Guild:  A dedicated group who prepare the altar and worship space prior to worship services.

Choir: A non-auditioned group of singers under the direction of David Cox. The choir uses music selected by the Music Team and Choir Director. The choir leads the congregation together in song every Sunday, singing both an introit and an anthem.   Rehearsals are bi-weekly on Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 PM. New singers welcome!

Music Team: The Music team is responsible for selecting the music for all of our services. Music is selected from the rich resources of both the Anglican and Lutheran traditions and from our extensive music library. They ensure that music sung at Trinity meets the standards set by our two traditions. 

Mission & Outreach Team:  A ministry team whose focus is exactly what it says. The community cupboard is one area that we serve our community's needs as well as our little library out front. Fundraising events take place throughout the year to help with funds for Sage Haven, The Backpack Program, The Refugee Group and Alberni Valley NeighbourLink Society to name a few.

Parish Council:  A group of elected individuals whose purpose is governance of the Parish.

Pastoral Care:  Pastoral Care is something all members of Trinity Church perform by caring for others by calling or visiting those who are ill, bereaved or recovering from hospitalization.  The Lay Leader visits and takes communion to those who are unable to attend Sunday Services

Technical Support: Several individuals who assist in making sure the tech side of life at the church is running just fine.

Worship assistants: Being a liturgical people means that many are engaged in the 'work of the people' (that's what liturgy means).  Every worship service, in particular Sunday AM, involves readers, pray-ers, communion assistants, sidespersons, and greeters.  If you can help in any of these areas of service, you are welcome.

Worship Committee:  The Worship Committee is a team of dedicated people who suggest to Council changes or additions to our monthly Worship. The Anglican Diocese of BC approved Worship Services, , which include the Lutheran Liturgical Books, and is their source for Liturgies.

The Committee will:

  1. Look forward to upcoming dates and recommend services, dates, times and form.
  2. Examine current practices and suggest any changes.
  3. Document their suggestions for submission to Council.

The Worship Committee meets on a regular basis.