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Here are the announcements for Sunday May19th.

Springtime Fashion Show & Lunch May25th at 12 noon  


Book a table for you and some friends. Tiana Dick is supplying the musical entertainment, Chef Josie is preparing the meal and we are featuring fashions by the Funk Trunk, Gayle’s & Walk the Coast. Tickets are $25 call Alison at 250-724-2580 or email  


Let’s get behind this Trinity fundraising event!  


Coffee Time There has been lots of time to sign up for the coffee service.  If you have not done so yet, join with a few others and pick a slot or join with a person who has signed up on their own and will need a partner.  It is not difficult and training and help are provided. 


Lay Leadership Course Please keep Gerry and Julie in your prayers, they are now on the home stretch. 


Just a reminder of the coming services of Communion 

  • June 23rd Rev. Rob Hutchison – Honorary Assistant St. Marks Qualicum 

 Please wear your red or other bright colours for Pentecost. 

Upcoming dates: 

  • May 20th at 10am– Music Team 
  • May 23rd at 4pm – Choir practice 
  • May 25th at noon – Springtime Fashion Show and Lunch in the hall. 

Summer R&R as the weather picks up and vacations are planned, take some time to soak up the wonder in God’s natural world. 

About the wider Church There is a wealth of new information provided by our Diocese and Synod websites: and