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This Sunday will be Third Sunday after the Epiphany.

Canon Jenny Repogle, Canon for Lay-led Parishes and Parishes-in-Transition, will be with us on Sunday.

After lunch she would like to have a parish meeting with everyone to discuss how things are going and to look at the road ahead.  Please stay for lunch and then the meeting.


Julie and I were able to deliver the toques, mittens, scarves, etc. to Sage Haven. They were very grateful for the donation.

Upcoming Dates

Please check the website (see below) for activities in the church.

Tue. 7:00 pm Trinity Prayer group
Thu. 4:00 pm Choir Practice
Feb.2 Rev. Susan will be here. Also Baptism of Wendy Abramson.
The AGM is scheduled for March 2. All those who have reports to present, please send them to Michelle as soon as possible. Bishop Anna plans to be here for the AGM.


The worship schedule for February is now available. Please check it and report any conflicts to Pamela.

Remember to pick up a copy of Eternity for Today. Booklets are in the narthex.

There are copies of the Anglican journal for your reading along with the Canadian Lutheran Magazine. Both offer a wealth of information about our church communities.

Community Cupboard 

Please support this ministry. The need is great.

Kitchen Workers

Please help in the kitchen occasionally, or bring goodies for coffee time after the Sunday service.

Web Page

You can find the website at:

You will find plenty of information there as well as links to our Facebook page, taped services on YouTube, and links to the BC Anglican Diocese and BC ELCIC Synod information.

The ELCIC will be choosing a national bishop this year at the convention. Please go to the BC ELCIC website for more information.

Rev. Susan Hermanson’s contact info:

email or

cell phone 250-755-9596

If there is an event or information you would like to be included in the weekly newsletter, please send it to me:


Ph. 778.419.0554
