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This Sunday’s Service will be led by Pamela, following the Service of the Word in the Book of Alternative Services (BAS).

Exciting News:

As of October 1st we welcome the Reverend Susan Hermanson who will be with us for six months.  She will be with us 2 Saturdays and 2 Sundays per month.  Please call the office and leave her a message if you would like to speak with her.

Take note also:

Michelle has been busy updating our website.  Check it out at If you go to the top right hand corner and press either the f for facebook or the > for youtube you can watch some of our services.

Tuesday Prayer Group

The Tuesday prayer group resumed. This time is open to all, just speak to Tom or Jennifer if you would like more information.

Upcoming Dates

Sunday School: leaders are Suzanne and Chelsea

Please encourage friends, and neighbours with children to participate.
October 13th
November 10th
December 15th


If you would like to join the choir please speak with David, Nathan, or Pamela.

If you are interested in providing special music, please see David.

Dates to keep in mind:

Keep our church families in prayer:

Bishop Kathy - who is recuperating at home.

Susi is asking for prayers for a relative, Bori, who underwent emergency brain surgery and has had complications.

Worship Schedule

A new schedule (for October) will be out soon.


Community Cupboard 

If you have food to donate, please see Roberta, or any of the council. Donations given to this ministry will be used to purchase food. Let’s try to keep the cupboard stocked. How about we fill the hamper for Thanksgiving?

Wednesday Morning Communion 

Mid-week communion service at St. Mark’s in Qualicum.

Kitchen Workers

Please see Dannette if you could help on a Sunday, or if you have goodies to bring. If you enjoy the coffee and conversation, why take a turn to help out?

Christmas is coming!

Dannette and Alison have begun to collect articles for a Christmas Market to be held in November. Bring your contributions to the church.


An easy way to access all these websites is through our own.



BC Anglican Diocese:



If there is an event or information you would like to be included in the weekly newsletter, please send it to me (Geerry).





Here are some additional items from the Diocese and BC ELCIC websites. More information is on the web sites.


3. Welcome and Introduction to Synod 2024

from Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee

Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee has shared a short video providing an overview of the two days of Synod events and encourages all synod delegates to attend their regional meetings prior to synod. Dates and locations are listed below.

Upcoming Regional Meetings: 

Greater Victoria Regional Meeting 
Saturday, October 19 from 2pm–4pm 
St. Mary, Oak Bay located at 1701 Elgin Road

Mid-North Island Regional Meeting 
Saturday, October 26 from 10am–12pm 
St. Anne & St. Edmunds, Parksville located at 407 Wembley Road

Synod 2024:

Opening service
Friday, November 1st from 7pm
Christ Church Cathedral

Synod 2024
Saturday, November 2nd 
The Baumann Centre (St. John the Divine, Victoria)