Announcements Sunday March 23, 2025
This week Geerry Roe will lead the Service of the Word.
Trinity Web Page - lots of information at
Tuesday Prayer Group -The Tuesday prayer group meets at 7pm at the church
Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is a group of people from this parish willing to pray for other people. If you have a prayer request or would like to become part of the prayer chain please speak to Jennifer. All prayer requests are kept confidential.
-Meg Scoffield is in the hospital after a fall. Please keep her in prayer.
-Gary McCaig Memorial He was the Chair of the Sproat Lake Woodlands Society, died on Sunday, March 16th. A service of Remembrance will be held at Trinity on Monday, March 24 at 2 pm.
Lenten Special Collection – Pick up a collection can on Sunday or use envelop in the plate marked for Meals on Wheels, include your name.
Upcoming Dates
Choir: March 27st at 4:00pm
April 5th- Bridal Shower for Tiana Dick. If you would like to celebrate Tiana and join us for tea, please feel free to come. It will be at 2pm in our hall. RSVP to Michelle so we can set a place for you.
Anglican Diocese - Staying Grounded in Times of Chaos A Lenten Series of short videos posted every Wednesday in Lent.
Lutheran Synod News -We Are One Body: We Are One Body Survey
Trinity Services for Easter
April 13th – Palm Sunday
April 17th – 2pm Maundy Thursday Rev. Al Naylor
April 18th – 2pm Good Friday
April 19th – 8pm Easter Vigil
April 20th – Easter Sunday Communion
Community Cupboard Please continue to support this ministry. The need is great.
Wednesday Morning Communion Mid-week communion service at St. Mark’s in Qualicum.
Kitchen Workers Please help in the kitchen as you can, or bring goodies for coffee time after the service.
NeighbourLink is looking for volunteers to help with the breakfast program at several elementary schools. Could you help with getting breakfast ready one day a week, or do you know someone who would be interested in doing this? Please talk to Geerry