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Announcements                         February 21, 2025

This Sunday is Epiphany 7.

Pamela Day is the Lay Minister.

From Rev. Susan:

Confirmation and Reaffirmation Preparation Sessions

Saturdays at 10:30- Mar 8,22, Apr5,19

This is an opportunity to meet with Rev Susan and others to explore your faith and our church tradition. 

Sessions are open to anyone exploring their faith and place in the church.  Some may want to be Confirmed or Reaffirmed in their faith in the Anglican tradition by Bishop Anna at Christ Church Cathedral, Victoria Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 4pm.

If you are interested please contact Rev Susan at 250-755-9596 or

From Susi Byers:

Come explore the fruits of the spirit, starting on Ash Wednesday, for an interactive Lenten study.

March 5, Ash Wednesday 1-2pm* (please note the time) Cultivating Faithfulness
March 11, 2-3 pm Cultivating peace
March 18, 2-3 pm Cultivating Joy
April 2, 2-3 pm Cultivating Generosity
April 9, 2-3 pm Cultivating patience
April 16, 2-3 pm Walking the way of Love
Come for 1 week or all six.
  Enter by the hall back door . All are welcome
  Facilitator: Susi Byers

From Council:

At Trinity Church we have a tradition of having a Special Collection for Lent.  We ask members to forego a coffee or other treats and contribute the money they save.  

This year Trinity Council has decided to contribute this special collection to the local Meals on Wheels registered Charity.

You can either donate each Sunday or on Palm Sunday. Pleaseput your donation in an envelope marked with your Name and Meals on Wheels on it.

Upcoming Dates

Please check the website (see below) for activities in the church.

The March worship schedule is posted on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Tue. 7:00 pm Trinity Prayer group
Thu. 4:00 pm Choir Practice – New members are always welcome. Just speak to David.
The AGM is scheduled for March 2. The Annual Report is complete and available for pick up in the back of the sanctuary before or following the service. Please check off on the list, that you have taken your copy. 
*We are planning to have a light lunch after the morning service.  If you can help with this in any way, please speak with Alison as soon as possible.*
Ash Wednesday service March 5 2:00pm

WOMEN'S SPRING RETREAT 2025: "Still I Rise" April 25 - 27, 2025 Camp Pringle

Wardens and Treasurers Day: Saturday, March 22, 202510:00 am - 3:00 pm