Friday Announcements, December 27, 2024
This Sunday will be the first Sunday after Advent.
The Lay minister is Pamela Day.
Upcoming Dates
Please check the website (see below) for activities in the church.
Jan. 5, 2025 - Rev. Susan will be here.
Jan. 12 – Geerry will be Lay Minister.
Jan. 19 – Rev. Susan will be here.
Jan. 26 – Jenny Repogle will be here. Jenny is Canon for Lay-Led Parishes-in-transition.
Community Cupboard
Please support this ministry. The need is great..
Kitchen Workers
Please help in the kitchen occasionally, or bring goodies for coffee time after the Sunday service.
Web Page
You can find the website at:
You will find plenty of information there as well as links to our Facebook page, taped services on YouTube, and links to the BC Anglican Diocese and BC ELCIC Synod information
If there is an event or information you would like to be included in the weekly newsletter, please send it to me:
778 419 0554