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Today is National Indigenous Day - there is an "all are welcome" event at the Friendship Centre if you are able to attend. If you would like to learn more about our local Indigenous Peoples here is a link to their website
We will celebrate on Sunday so wear red or orange or t-shirts or other clothing with Indigenous art.

Announcements                        Sunday June 23rd 


Garage Sale:  Thank you to Alison and Dannette and all who helped with the garage sale. About $800 was raised for our outreach programs.  Well done, everyone! 

Grounds Cleanup and Building Maintenance a building the size and age of Trinity takes a lot of upkeep. Nathan is working away at things as time permits, thank you Nathan. If you would like to help Nathan – just let him know.  Ed, thank you for the time you have already helped and continue to help Nathan with the yard maintenance. It is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you also to those of you who put your hands up to do the cleaning while our janitor is off on sick leave.  Thank you also to Julie for organizing and scheduling everyone. 


Community Cupboard There is a list in the basket at the back of the church of the recommended foods for low-income people to bring for the cupboard, and at this time of year a few pieces of fresh fruit are always welcome. Thank you to Robbie for shopping for the cupboard again. 


Our Website Michelle will be demonstrating our website and how you can use it over coffee at church on Sunday, thank you Michelle. 


Lay Leadership Graduates Geerry and Julie have received their Licences of Permission to lead Morning, evening and Services of the Word in Trinity Church from the Bishop. Congratulations! We will celebrate their achievement in the service on June 30th. 


Just a reminder of the coming services of Communion 

  • July 21st   Rev. Rob Hutchison – Honorary Assistant St. Marks Qualicum 
  • August 25th Rev. Susan Hermanson 


Upcoming dates: 

  • June 21st National Indigenous Peoples Day, we will celebrate this on Sunday the 23rd. 

About the wider Church There is a wealth of new information provided by our Diocese and Synod websites: and