Would you like to support Trinity's ministry?


1.  You can mail your offering to us or drop it off at:

4677 Angus Street, Port Alberni, BC  V9Y 1S9

2.  If you would like to arrange to be a part of PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance), leave a message for Geerry to contact you.  250.724.4921

3.  If you would like to give via credit card, just hit the button 'GIVE' below and fill out the form.

4.   You can also e-transfer  as well using our treasurer email. If you would like to specify where the resources are to be used, please specify in message on your e-transfer. These can be sent  to treasurer@trinityportalberni.ca 

Again, thank you.

For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. –Isaiah 41:13

Peace be with you.