Announcements Sunday September 15, 2024
Tuesday Prayer Group
The Tuesday prayer group will resume on Tuesday September 17th, speak to Tom or Jennifer.
Service of Communion
Upcoming Dates
Please encourage friends and neighbours with children to participate.
September 15th
October 13th
November 10th
December 15th
If you would like to join the choir please speak with David, Nathan, or Pamela.
If you are interested in providing special music, please see David.
Sep. 24 Retirement of Rev. Lyle McKenzie at Lutheran Church of the Holy Cross 2:30-4:30.
Keep our church families in prayer:
Bishop Kathy - who is recuperating at home.
Worship Schedule
A new schedule (for October) will be out soon.
Grounds Cleanup and Building Maintenance
Have you noticed the improvements inside and outside? A huge thank you to all who give of their time and effort to keep the facility in good repair,
Community Cupboard
If you have food to donate, please see Roberta, or any of the council. Let’s try to keep the cupboard stocked.
Wednesday Morning Communion
Mid-week communion service at St. Mark’s in Qualicum. Check to see who else is going and carpool.
Kitchen Workers
Please see Dannette or Alison if you could help on a Sunday, or if you have goodies to bring.
Christmas is coming!
Dannette and Alison have begun to collect articles for a Christmas Market to be held in November. Bring your contributions to the church.
An easy way to access all these websites is through our own.